The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) agreement is a longstanding contract between two parties that governs future swaps and derivatives transactions. These detailed agreements should be sound and equitable—as the contract, not the stock exchange, governs Over-The-Counter (OTC) transactions
Last updated in 2002, the 28-page, 14-section ISDA Master Agreement template outlines the contractual relationship terms. Since unique variables apply to each transaction, a fully-executed agreement involves significant intervention as well as considerable sections of unstructured content that could expose parties to contentious disputes and liability.
Advances in machine learning and natural language processing have enabled legal teams handling ISDA agreements to streamline their review and negotiation processes with the help of AI. By utilizing an AI-powered contract negotiation platform, legal departments can now leverage cutting-edge technology to negotiate these complex agreements.
NOTE: While the core master agreement is standardized and is not typically heavily negotiated (if it is negotiated at all), a variety of schedules and annexes that attach to the master agreement are negotiated by the parties for a given transaction. For simplicity sake, references in this article to an ISDA agreement include these annexes and schedules.
ISDA agreements have traditionally required human reviewers to assess contracts, note key points where contract language diverges, and attend to any errors before a trade is executed. Since ISDA agreements are dense agreements, legal teams can routinely spend several hours reviewing them. For a large bank that processes hundreds of thousands of these agreements each year, standardizing the review process can result in greater efficiencies and significant cost savings.
While the idea of “standard terms” in an ISDA agreement may sometimes seem like a misnomer, agreements often share essential aspects. Key components include the following:
These essential aspects of ISDA agreements often become negotiation sticking points that can require months of back-and-forth revisions to resolve. By attending to these aspects of ISDA agreements early, legal teams can reduce obstacles and accelerate the negotiation process. Alternatively, when parties attempt to cut corners during their review to save time and secure better terms, they often make mistakes that can create unwanted risk or, if caught before execution, drag out the negotiation process over weeks or even months.
Listed below are some common ISDA agreement pitfalls:
While these problems are endemic to traditional review practices, recent innovations in legal tech have emerged that can help automate and accelerate the review and negotiation process.
Implementing AI technology is surprisingly simple. Your legal department likely houses a large repository of ISDA agreements, as well as an ISDA Master. Once these agreements have been used to train an AI-powered contract negotiation platform, initiating the review and negotiation process for a new ISDA agreement is as easy as uploading or emailing the agreement for AI review.
After examining the data for anomalies, errors, and omissions, the AI recognizes potential negotiation obstacles; problem areas are redlined or flagged for human review. Additionally, leading-edge AI harnesses the power of machine learning and natural language processing to provide intelligent suggestions, rewrite clauses, and offer contextually-adapted inline insertions.
Here’s what you can expect from AI-powered ISDA agreement negotiation:
The utilization of AI technologies in contract negotiation simplifies contract lifecycle management and represents a paradigm shift in legal tech. Contracts—like ISDA agreements—that once required weeks or months to negotiate can now be completed in days.
LexCheck's AI-powered contract negotiation platform streamlines and accelerates ISDA agreement review. To learn more about our next-generation technology, contact To experience the platform for yourself, request a demo.